Baron Beach
Gunung Kidul is a regency in Jogja which is famous for its rugged beaches. For some tourists, the beach in Gunung Kidul which has a beautiful view is Indrayanti Beach. Though there are still many beaches with views that are not less beautiful than Indrayanti Beach, you know, one of them is Baron Beach. Baron Beach has the characteristics of blackish brown sand similar to Parangtritis Beach, besides that the waves on Baron Beach are also quite large although the shape resembles a bay.
Baron Beach is arguably one of the unique beaches in Jogja because at this tourist spot we can find two types of water, namely salt water and fresh water which come from the river flow on the beach. Not just an ordinary river flow, this river is located west of the Baron Beach where it flows directly towards the sea. Uniquely, every five years the river flow on the Baron Beach will change direction, which flows to the east first (splitting the sand beach) before it empties into the sea.
Baron Beach not only has a beach that visitors can use to enjoy the scenery, but here also has many interesting places that can be enjoyed such as: Bay and River, Lighthouse and Fishing Boats.
Bay and River
This bay comes from an underground river. The flow of water released is so heavy that visitors can play as much as they like to the sea. The water here is very fresh but still looks fresh because it is very clear, coupled with the existence of hills in this area that can be used to see the beauty of this white sand beach from a height.
One of the interesting spots that other beaches don’t have is the ‘lighthouse’. Here visitors can see the natural beauty around the coast from a height.
Fishing Boats
Rows of fishing boats on the beach are often used by visitors to take pictures because of the attractive design of the ship.