Plaosan Temple

A Symbol Of The Power Of Love That Can Unite Differences

Yogyakarta is known for its diverse tourist spots, so that tourists can freely choose which tourist destinations to visit, ranging from mountains, beaches, hills, to cultures all available in Jogja. But if you still feel lacking or even feel bored with what’s in Yogyakarta you can visit areas that are directly adjacent to Yogyakarta which have alternative tourist attractions for those of you who want a new atmosphere, one of which you can visit the Central Java Klaten Regency several tourist destinations including temple tours. As is well known that Yogyakarta has a historical heritage in the form of temples scattered in several regions, especially in the eastern part of Sleman Regency or bordering langusung with Klaten City, Central Java. Now in Klaten you can also visit one of the temples which is beautiful and unique because it has its own characteristics and uniqueness, namely the Plaosan Temple. Plaosan Temple is indeed located in Klaten Regency, Central Java, but for those of you who want to visit Plaosan Temple for alternative tourism, you don’t have to worry about long distances because the Plaosan Temple is still located near Prambanan Temple.

Plaosan Temple is a clear proof that the power of love is able to unite the differences. This beautiful temple was built by Rakai Pikatan who is a Hindu for his beloved queen Pramodyawardani who embraced Buddhism. Visiting Plaosan not only teaches you about the power of love but also the true meaning of tolerance. Differences are not a reason to eliminate love that has grown. But it is precisely love that should be able to be a tool to unify differences. Maybe that was what Rakai Pikatan held firmly, until finally he decided to build a beautiful building, Plaosan Temple, for his wife he loved so much, Pramodyawardani. Indeed, Rakai Pikatan who is from the Syailendra Dynasty is a Hindu. But because of his love for his wife who is actually a Buddhist, he also made a place of worship in the form of a Buddhist temple with a slight touch of Hindu architecture.


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