Kukup Beach

Kukup Beach

Southern Jogja is famous for its beach tourism. Like one of them is Kukup Beach. Kukup Beach is famous for its beautiful and charming waves. That scene then became an attraction for tourists who then came to visit there. Not only that, if you go to Kukup Beach you can enjoy a wide stretch of sand. Do not miss out on some of the coral islands around Kukup Beach which add to the beauty of the beach on the southern coast of Yogyakarta.

When the low tide is here, you can see a variety of pretty marine life and you can play in the water here while looking at the marine animals and coral reefs that are still maintained which can certainly make you forget the time, but you also have to be careful yeah guys even though the reef The coral looks beautiful but if it’s quite pointed it is also dangerous to step on.

Kukup beach has a characteristic which looks like the coral island is right on the east of the beach, the location is not far from the beach and there is a bridge connecting it so you don’t have to bother when you want to come here. and on the coral island there is a small house that can be used for substation view, now here you can make cool photo spots with a wide ocean background or see sunset.


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