Spot Riyadi Sunrise

Spot Riyadi

Spot Riyadi is a new tourist attraction in Jogja, which recently hits travelers, especially Jogja travelers. Spot Riyadi is a kind of area (or rather a road) that presents stunning natural scenery, especially in the morning. The epic harmonization of nature between Jogja’s city landscape from the hills, the magnificence of the sunrise as well as the majesty of the volcano and the Parambanan temple seem to be the most powerful weary antidote. At night, Spot Riyadi became very beautiful and a variety of food and drinks were sold to just be friends to enjoy Prambanan Temple from a height. Sunrise and sunset at Spot Riyadi is indeed a special attraction. At night the scenery here is equally beautiful. Prambanan temple body which is visible because of the beam of the lights and the fluorescent luminescence of the house lights, is an attractive object for photographers.

Location and Route to Spot Riyadi

The spot riyadi address is in Dawangsari, sambirejo, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The route that you can pass from downtown Jogja is through the Solo road. Follow the road until you reach Prambanan Temple. Exactly the Prambanan Temple red light, turn south through the road. After crossing the railroad tracks, you will find the entrance to the left which is the direction of Abhayagiri. Enter the road until you arrive at the Abhayagiri restaurant. Go up the cast road at the corner of the restaurant. At the end of the village, you will find the location of spot Riyadi.


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